On the 30th of June, me and my creative & media class went along to bash studio to help with the "First Date Widening career perspectives day." We all had little jobs to do and my particular job was front of house. This included keeping names of everyone who turned up and making sure the right people were there. Other people had the job of handing out snacks, filming interviews and taking pictures. After about an hour, all the volunteers and students had arrived and so it left me nothing to do. Instead, we went round to the volunteers and asked them the following questions:
Their NameTheir job title
- The company they work for
- What their job involves
- How did they get there
- Why would people want to do that job
By the end of the day we ended up talking to about 7 or 8 people with different jobs. It helped give me a basic idea of the sort of job opportunities there are out there and how to get involved.