Saturday, 15 November 2008

My Second Trip At The BBC

On the 11th November our creative and media class went to the BBC 21cc again for a workshop on editing. During our time there we managed to interview different people with different job roles on the BBC. Our group managed to interview a cameraman and someone who works in the music industry who organizes all the times and dates when people come in.
We was introduced to a man called rob who gave us an introduction to editing and set us our task for the day.
When we were out filming I found it quite difficult as I was the director because I couldn't really control my group but I think the advantage was that I could contribute my ideas in more which would result to a piece I would much rather prefer.
I think the first half of the day was more successful than the second because we got a lot more work done and I think my strengths are in directing rather than editing.
The second half of the day went alright but I think we could have done better because everyone was quite tired so no one was really concentrating.
Even though the day was half successful I still came out learning something, I learned how to use final cut pro rather than iMovie. I learned how to put inputs and outputs in a certain bit of footage and I also learned how to transfer, save and edit from the camera to the computer.
if I were to go back and do it again I probably would pay more attention when we're editing and
Try to improve on that, as I think that’s my weak points.