Thursday 5 March 2009

Making Clay Heads

In art we have been studying quite a few artists such as Francis Bacon, Julian Opie and Andy Warhol. As part of our course we were shown different ways of producing art and one of the ways of doing that is by sculpting. We were shown how to make clay heads.
1. Get a wooden stand.
2. Wrap paper around it to create a basic head shape.
3. Stick it together with selotape.
4. Start adding clay onto the head bit by bit.
5. Mold in all the features
I found it quite hard. When sir was showing us an example he made it look much easier which got me quite worried. If I were to do it next time I would probably make it more abstract as my head was really smooth, unlike others in the class. The only down side of it was getting a little dirty, but I guess art is always messy so ill get over that. :)